Love Letter from Fede

Hey, sweetie!

We're back with our weekly love letter for you. With Pride month approaching, we want to make space for unheard stories we find inspiring and uplifting. Today, we want to introduce you to our beloved Fede. Their energy is mesmerizing and liberating, much like their unique and colorful work on people's hair. Enjoy the answers and the beautiful message Fede has for your soul.


Please tell us about yourself briefly.

Hello! I'm Fede (He/They), a 26 year old Italian living in London since 2019. I've always seen myself as 'the quirky nerd,' balancing between extroversion and introversion. My passion lies in hairstyling, particularly in creating FHAIRY, RAINBOWS, AND UNICORNS-inspired looks, as well as textured haircuts and working with curls and coils. I own a studio and work as an educator and content creator. These ventures all revolve around the 'FHAIRY' concept (either in classes, social media community and my hair studio), providing a space where people can freely express themselves and embrace their true essence.🦄

How did you discover your passion for hairdressing?

Quite cliché I know, but reality is that I was a broke teenager that grew up with a big burden on the shoulders and I needed to work. Then I actually fell in love with my job when I discovered on socials a very famous salon all rainbow hair and quirky outfits; that moment I said - ‘I’m going to move to London and work there and I’ll finally be my true self’. And that’s what I did.🦋

Do you think the hairdressing industry is inclusive enough, or is something missing?

Having a gender-neutral bathroom or a genderless price list is not enough in 2024 anymore; that should be the bare minimum. Inclusivity goes beyond being an LGBTQIA+ ally or being able to work with different hair types. What about disabilities? Neurodivergencies? Accessible spaces? Inclusive masterclasses where we don’t have to hear 'lady cut, gent cut,' or at least where we ask if anyone has special needs? So yeah, I think the hair industry still has a long journey ahead, but fortunately, there are brands like BOHEMA HAIR who are leading the change. And I’m so happy I got to meet Zofija and BOHEMA HAIR.✨

What was your personal journey when it comes to self-acceptance and self-celebration?

I grew up surrounded by only women, and I never felt I could fit into any category. I also have ADHD and ASD, so that complicated my journey of self-discovery. Growing up in Italy as a fluid person trapped inside a lad’s body was not easy. I fought with all myself for years to be as masculine as possible and never succeeded. But then, finally, I moved to London, and my journey of self-celebration started in a salon called ‘Not Another Salon’, where finally, I was working in an environment that was so extra; I could release my true energy. I struggled with being quite anxious and my hate for my feminine side, but I did not give up on myself, and now I love my fluid life in harmony. I feel peaceful when I look at myself in the mirror. How do I self-celebrate? Well, I won L’Oréal Colour Trophy last year, and I slayed the catwalk dressed up as a rainbow ethereal fairy. Isn’t that enough celebration?🧚

What’s your go-to hair product?

My go-to hair products are always a textured spray and an oil/shine spray. One is super important for all my textured cuts, keeping volume and making everything fluffy and FHAIRY. The other ensures the maximum level of hydration inside those curls and dry hair, while also making it shiny. BOHEMA HAIR MULTIFUNCTIONAL hair oil is my favourite at the moment, especially on curls!💛

What does the word ‘BOHEMA’ mean to you personally?

Resilience. This is what I think of: energy, but also accepting the bad moments without losing focus on being kind and ambitious. It's about growing and finding the way back to our true selves.

Is there anything you would like to wish for BOHEMA HAIR people?

The world changes quickly, so never stop learning. Stay on top of the wave and enjoy it. Life is too short to be selfish, stingy, and unkind. As a hairdresser? Invest in what you believe in and in who deserves it.


Love Letter from Fede
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